Monday, February 11, 2013

Reality check? Check!

So I was beginning to feel pretty good about this whole working out thing. Was feeling strong, felt I was making progress. Sunday's workout was supposed to be a yoga class and then a lap around the Lafayette Reservoir. But there was some construction snafu at the yoga place and all of the mats and gear ended up covered in plaster dust so they were spending Sunday. Owning cleaning up. Workout ended up being a ham and cheese crepe and two laps around the Lafayette Reservoir (5.4 miles of walking) while pushing the stroller. Forgot to wear my Garmin, so not sure what my calorie and rate were. In any case, I was pooped!

And today, Monday. I was gong to start the week right. I went for a run sans baby but with the dog. Felt pretty good. (3.52 miles, 41:21 TRT, and 390 calories.) After that I had a one hour session with a personal trainer who was gong to go over how to use the TRX equipment. What I didn't realize was that the trainer was going to do a full fitness assessment and total a TRX workout. The workout was great, I love TRXs but I'm so out of shape. I didn't realize how out of shape I was! Oh my god! I have to start over!

The sad reality is that I'm 29% body fat (33% is considered overweight). Sadness. Sadness.

Weight: 148 (!!!!) according to the gym scale and with my shoes on!
Today's workout: Run and TRX

No picture today because it's too awful.

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