Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ahhhhh....Saturday Family Day

So after my long two days of working out so hard (ha!) I thought I deserved a day of relative rest. My husband wanted to mountain bike and I wanted a hike so we loaded up the baby and the dog for a trip to Briones. While the east coast suffers some fish-named storm, I was loving some bright blue skies and 60-degree weather. There's a reason I live where I do.

I'm a big fan of baby wearing. I'll strap the kid in the Ergo while I make dinner, walk the grocery store and hike for hours. He loves looking up at the contrast of bare branches against the sky. I love it when he finally stops squirming around and falls asleep. Even though Dusty's still little and needs a booster in his carrier, he's still 13+ pounds of extra weight.

Here are the hike details:
1:22:24 total hike time
2.86 miles
28:48 avg pace
235 calories burned

Today's weight loss sabotage brought to you by yesterday's malted cookies and cream ice cream.

Weight: 143.8
Today's activity: Hiking

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