Thursday, February 7, 2013

Getting started is always the hardest part

Four months ago today I had my son, Dusty Cash.  While i could go on about how great he is and how he's changed my life in huge positive ways, I won't.  This isn't that kind of mommy blog.  This is about me trying to do something for myself while taking care of the kid.  My goal is to complete the Austin Half-Ironman on October 27, 2013.

The last event I completed was The Marine Corps Marathon in DC, October 2011.  My time was somewhere in the 5+ hour range.  Not great, but I finished.  Yesterday, I ran 3.36 miles in 40:35.  So disappointing.  There's a long road ahead of me to get to that H-I.

Within the last week, I've started to get back into the groove of working out.  Sunday I did a flat road bike ride, 20 miles.  Yesterday's very sad run.  And today, back to the gym with 30 minutes elliptical and 10 laps in the pool.  It feels good to be getting back into the game.

Weight: 144

Today's workout: Gym (elliptical and swim)

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