Friday, February 22, 2013

Pizza cleanse!

How great would it be if that were actually a thing? A pizza cleanse. A taco fast. A milkshake colonic. Now I'm just getting gross.

I was starving all day. It is way too hard to do a cleanse while I'm at home surrounded by food all day, driving around passing fast food, making lunches for husband. Temptation awaits around every corner. There is SO MUCH FOOD EVERYWHERE! And most of it isn't good or good for you. No wonder the country is so fat.


So when Dave called on his way home from work and said he was going to pick up Xachary's for dinner, I knew I'd cave. And I did. Gloriously. Tragically, even washing the pizza down with ranch dip and a Mike's Hard Lemonade chaser. Bliss.

Weight: 142.8

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