Tuesday, February 19, 2013

No juice for you

Today was supposed to be my first day of a five day Nektar juice cleanse. I was not planning on exercising because I've done juice cleanses before and I know they leave me feeling pretty lethargic. There are so many benefits of them that I'm fine taking an exercise break ( as if I need an excuse ) like gorgeous skin, and .... and ... well, my skin looks great. Oh, and I should drop a few #'s.

My juices did not show by 10am like they were supposed to. So I had a small Greek yogurt, 2% with the fruit mix-in. So good! By 11:30, still no juice and I'm starving so I make two quesadillas with sour cream and salsa. I'm resigned that the cleanse will have to start tomorrow so I go to Taco Bell. This is how I am. Terrible.

Exercise today: Guilt and regret
Weight: 146.6

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