Monday, June 17, 2013

Maybe I can get a run in.

Today, although not very active physically, I sure did give my credit card a workout getting the plans together for the Half-Iron. Between the hotel, car rental, flights, bike transport and the race registration I paid previously, I think I'm about $2g into this little adventure. Holy Shit! Spending two grand for a vacation that is bound to have me in tears in some respect or other, wow, I didn't think I would ever be looking forward to something like this. I am so excited for this race! I love having something to train for, and the full reality of what I need to do has hit me full on today.

In that spirit, I decided last minute to sneak in a run between work and dinner. My awesome husband picked up Dusty from daycare so I could head straight home to get ready. Even though I didn't have to stop at daycare, it still took me 45 minutes to get ready. Ridiculous. When I finally did get the baby's diaper changed, a few cuddles, water bottles for me, Dusty and the dog, strap the baby in the stroller, collar the dog and find some podcast to listen to, I was only able to muster up a 3.5 mile run. It was still really hot out and yesterday's 40-mile ride really did me in. Oof.

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