Saturday, August 30, 2014

From the ashes....

When you last saw your heroine, she was out of the Austin Half-Ironman for health and lack of training issues.  Well, I'm back, stronger and fitter than I've been in a while.  And while my knees still aren't allowing me to run, I am re-registered for the Austin Half-Iron, but this time as part of a relay with two of my friends, Bree (doing the run) and Sarah (doing the swim).  I'm in the middle doing the ride.

The three of us have decided to do a little warm-up triathlon, the See Jane Run Tri on September 21.  I've actually been training!  I know!  Shock!  I never train.  Age + lack of sleep + lack of time = necessitates training.  Dave and I have been hiring a sitter on the weekends so that we can go out and ride together.  Proud to say that in the last few weeks I've gotten Diablo, the Bears and McEwan Road all under my belt.  Have even done some Tabata at home and pilates at the gym.  This is how we do it!