Friday, October 18, 2013

Phailure Phoenix

I completely didn't even try to participate in the Austin 70.3.  Without any training, I realized that I would just be setting myself up for a world of hurt if I even attempted it.  I don't feel good about not trying, it's really not like me.  I felt out of habit of running, or even walking for that matter, and went to a place that was really unhealthy.  Maybe it was a bit of depression caused by not running, or not running because of depression - it's a catch-22.  Not good.

But the great thing about being a sentient being is that I was able to see my flaws, want to make a change, and have started towards that path.   Today is day one of a three day juice cleanse.  I have not cheated at all!  I'm signed up for two half marathons in March.  I will re-enlist for the Austin 70.3 in 2014.  And although I haven't tied on the runners, I think about it constantly.  And from where I'm trying to pick myself up from, that's a step in the right direction.

On a sidenote - Dusty is doing great!  He's just turned a year old, is happy, healthy and strong.  Finally he's consistantly sleeping through the night.  I'm hoping that I can start to get back on some kind of regular sleep/wake schedule myself.  I've been taking a Tylenol PM to get to sleep every night for the past week or so.  That ends tonight as well.

Here's to clean living!

Weight:  140.8
Exercise:  Dreaming